Monday, 26 February 2018

#tiptalk - blogging and working full time ♥

Velvet Wrap Dress - Nasty Gal*  Black Sandal Heels - Similar: Simi
I am not creating as much content as I usually do at the moment and it has been driving me crazy! I've got quite a lot to talk about in today's blog post and I wanted to start by talking about how hard it has been to blog, attend events and create Youtube videos while working full time. I have huge respect for creators who manage to post a Youtube video once/twice a week or post everyday while still doing a separate full time job.
Don't get me wrong, I can't imagine how manic it must be to be a full time content creator, especially when part of your job is travelling around the world for different events or product launches but I wanted to talk about my current experience with trying to run Fairytale Kiss and work and have a social life at the same time. Like most of us, I need to be in the right frame of mind to create content I am proud of. Personally, I need to be inspired or in a creative mood to write a blog post, film or create fashion focused photographs.
I am very proud of the content I have made but lately, I am feeling really drained and tired and it has really put a hault on the content I am creating. So I thought I would write this blog post to get everything off my chest and hopefully this post will be helpful if you are in a creative rut and if you work full time and blog like me. I work pretty long hours from 8am to 6pm so realistically, I only have Saturday and Sunday to film my Youtube videos and take blog photos. Hopefully this will change when the weather gets warmers but even when I get back home at 7pm, I am usually pretty exhausted and I try and fit the gym after work and if not, I am seeing Ollie or my friends. For blog events, 99% of the time they are held on a week day and if they are 6.00pm or earlier, I can sadly never make it.
Not only do I miss out on amazing PR events but this also leaves pretty much no time to create any new blog photos, filming or editing on iMovie so it can be very tight trying to fit everything into my weekend. I would love to be able to create content during the week days and have more than two days to create high quality photos. I absolutely love blogging but I don't want to create content because "I only have the weekend", I think the point I am trying to make is that you shouldn't force yourself to create content just because you want to.
I finally understand the concept of 'quality over quantity' and yes, I may only have the chance to take outfit photos, three or four times a month but if I would rather spend a few hours with my camera and trying to shoot photos in cool and unique locations, rather than rush the process. The best type of content is made from what you are passionate about and doing what you honestly love. I am really proud of the photos I took for this Nasty Gal wrap dress and although I would love to take more photos right now, I am learning to balance everything with timing and moderation so I don't feel stress or compare my blog to others.
As I mentioned in my old blog routine post, taking photos in bulk is a great way to get your creative juices flowing and then you have more content to write about. For editing my Youtube videos, if I spend thirty minutes every other night using iMovie, then I can get more ticked off my to do list. Planning aside though, I need to remember that I started blogging because I am passionate about beauty and fashion and it shouldn't make me feel stressed or down if I can't product constant content. Yes, maybe I can organise myself better in the long run but for now, I am loving the blog posts I am working on and I am excited to see where this year will take me. What tips do you have for working full time and blogging? ♥

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