Thursday, 4 October 2018

clairol nice'n easy event - #faceyourfirst ♥

Because of my blog and past jobs I have been lucky enough to see incredible campaigns that are created by beauty brands. Campaigns that are designed to inspire women and to empower them and I don't think there is any secret about how much confidence a product can give you. The Clairol event on Tuesday evening was no exception. I was kindly invited to join a group of bloggers and journalists to attend a screening of the newest campaign from Clairol Nice'n Easy. I headed to the Mondrain hotel at 6.30pm sharp and I was greeted with a selection of canapes and quite a few balloons!
I had no idea what to expect but I did know that Cosmopolitan Editor-in-chief, Farrah Storr would be making a guest appearance. She has recently faced a lot of controversy regarding a Cosmopolitan front cover and I was excited to see what Farrah had to talk about with the #FaceYourFirst campaign. After everyone had arrived, we were taken to an intimate screening room which was neatly decorated with flowers. The Clairol team thanked everyone for attending and Farrah stood at the front of the room and introduced herself. The Clairol campaign is all about embracing your beliefs and confidence and giving yourself the push to try something new. 
Whether it was your first kiss, first bra or your first job - as we get older a 'first' experience is not as popular or regular - including your first grey hair but the Clairol campaign actually tells you to embrace your first grey. If you want to colour your hair you have the choice and it is important not to be afraid of taking chances and trying something new for the first time, even if it is out of your comfort zone. Farrah began to tell us about her first memorable experiences in her life, from first kiss to her first job offer for the Editor-in-chief position at Cosmopolitan. 
She explained how nerve racking the offer was at first but she explained that if she hadn't pushed herself, she wouldn't be in the position she is today doing a role she loves. The evening ended with the brand new Clairol video playing on the screen, highlighting the different type of firsts you experience growing up and how the first grey hair doesn't need to be a negative because you should embrace it - whatever way you choose. It was a lovely evening and I was so impressed with the positive message that Clairol had shared. What do you think of this Clairol campaign? When was the last time you did something for the first time? 


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